
Latest coverage on birds and conservation in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Audubon Celebrates Legislation to Create New California Desert National Monument
Public Lands

Audubon Celebrates Legislation to Create New California Desert National Monument

— Chuckwalla National Monument would protect 660,000 acres of sacred and historic sites, wildlife habitat
Monarch Migration:  Helping a Culturally Significant Pollinator

Monarch Migration: Helping a Culturally Significant Pollinator

Planting to help the West Coast's most iconic butterfly

Bills to Save Birds: Audubon California’s Sponsored and Priority Bills 2023

Bills to Save Birds: Audubon California’s Sponsored and Priority Bills 2023

A suite of legislation towards conserving California's natural treasures

Sandpiper Diet is More than Meets the Eye

Sandpiper Diet is More than Meets the Eye

How sandpipers tap a hidden food source for their dinner

Study Finds Local Salton Sea Residents Would Use Recreational Facilities at a Healthy Sea
Salton Sea

Study Finds Local Salton Sea Residents Would Use Recreational Facilities at a Healthy Sea

— Locals say outdoor recreational infrastructure at California’s largest lake would be an asset to the area.
Meet Katie Collins and Katie Thomas, Starr Ranch Seasonal Staff

Meet Katie Collins and Katie Thomas, Starr Ranch Seasonal Staff

Starr Ranch Audubon Sanctuary has a long history of welcoming early career conservationists as seasonal field staff. We caught up with two of this year’s cohort to find out what brought them to Audubon and what a typical day at “the office” is like.

Working with Ranchers to Turn Rangeland into Climate-friendly Grassland Bird Habitat
Working Lands

Working with Ranchers to Turn Rangeland into Climate-friendly Grassland Bird Habitat

Audubon California joins conservation partners at California State Capitol to host briefing for state government climate leaders

An update to some of California's oldest environmental protections

An update to some of California's oldest environmental protections

Which species should be "fully protected"?

New Publication Finds Most California Groundwater Sustainability Plans Fail to Protect Vulnerable Communities and the Environment

New Publication Finds Most California Groundwater Sustainability Plans Fail to Protect Vulnerable Communities and the Environment

— ​The Nature Conservancy, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Audubon California, and Clean Water Action suggest that without course correction, State’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act will fall short of goals
Meet Emily Ohman

Meet Emily Ohman

An encounter with UC Berkeley's resident falcons led eventually to a position as senior community science coordinator with Audubon California.

How you can help, right now